Feel like you should be drinking less? Start here

When experts talk about the dangers of excessive drinking, we often assume those warnings apply mostly to people with alcohol use disorder, a health issue sometimes referred to as alcoholism. But people who don’t meet formal criteria for this disorder can still experience toxic effects and suffer other serious harms from alcohol, says Dr. John […]

A liquid biopsy for metastatic prostate cancer

Metastatic prostate cancer can progress in different ways. In some men the disease advances rapidly, while other men have slower-growing cancer and a better prognosis. Researchers are developing various tools for predicting how fast prostate cancer might progress. Among the most promising are assays that count circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in blood samples. Prostate cancer […]

Medication side effects: What are your options?

Medications can provide a host of health benefits. They may prevent or eliminate a disease. They might improve your quality of life and even help you live longer. But the medicines we take also have potential side effects. While listed side effects don’t always occur, it’s always possible. And though that’s unfortunate, it also makes […]

Court ruling curbs unfounded claims for memory supplement

I must have seen commercials for Prevagen 50 times: story after story from everyday people who describe improvement in memory once they began taking Prevagen. And perhaps you recall older commercials playing off the idea that many people take supplements that boast of gut, joint, and heart health claims. Those commercials memorably asked, “So why […]

New surgery for benign prostate hyperplasia provides long-lasting benefits

Most men over 50 will develop an enlarged prostate. Also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), this bothersome condition makes it hard to urinate and can eventually lead to other problems, such as infections, kidney stones, and bladder damage, if left untreated. Many different BPH therapies are available, including medications and various types of surgery. One […]

Sexual violence can cast a long shadow on health

Sexual violence occurs throughout the world. A simple definition is any sexual act for which consent is not obtained or freely given, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Rape, sexual coercion, and unwanted sexual contact are a few examples. While many people heal fully in time, traumatic events like these may […]